Innovative Technology in the Retail Industry Its Scope and Challenges


  • Khushi Chandani Department of Fashion Management, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kolkata, 700106, West Bengal Author
  • Lakhshita Upadhyay Department of Fashion Management, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kolkata, 700106, West Bengal, India Author
  • Dr. Sougata Banerjee Department of Fashion Management, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kolkata, 700106, West Bengal, India Author


Retail, Artificial Intelligence, Retail industry, Innovative Technology, Management Retail, Internet of Things in Retail Industry


Background: The retail industry is undergoing a technological revolution, transforming operations and consumer experiences. E-commerce utilizes augmented and virtual reality, while in-store innovations like beacons and smart shelves enhance inventory management. Contactless payments, mobile wallets, and AI-driven analytics personalize interactions. Blockchain improves supply chain transparency, AI enhances demand forecasting, and robotics and voice commerce elevate in-store and customer engagement. These technologies are now essential in meeting the evolving demands of consumers.

Purpose: The study seeks to unravel the multifaceted implications of technological advancements on the retail sector and how innovative technologies act as catalysts for transformation, efficiency, and sustainability in the retail landscape. 
Methods: Through an exhaustive exploration of existing literature and real-world case studies, the paper examines the dynamic technological landscape in retail and the integration of innovative technologies into retail operations. 
Results: The study highlights the ways technologies foster efficiency, personalization, and sustainability across different facets of retail operations, including inventory management, transactions, customer engagement, and supply chains. 
Conclusions: This research illuminates the transformative role of innovative technology in retail, underscoring its status as a catalyst for operational evolution and a fundamental component in meeting dynamic consumer demands. The study also addresses the challenges and opportunities presented by these technological innovations in the retail industry.

Keywords: Retail, Retail industry, Innovative Technology,  Artificial Intelligence, Management Retail, Internet of Things in Retail Industry


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How to Cite

Innovative Technology in the Retail Industry Its Scope and Challenges. (2024). Green Lifestyle and International Market, 1(01), 1-14.