A Comprehensive Review of Adaptive Clothing Practices and Innovations in Inclusive Design



Adapted clothing, Adaptive design,, Disability, Fashion Industry, ethnographic objects


Background- Adapted clothing begins by describing such clothes and how they make people with disabilities feel included, comfortable, and ready to conquer the world. An exploration of the advantages and disadvantages of specialized adaptive clothing suited to different groups This abstract examines the inclusive design concepts, rules, tactics, procedures, and examples that have positively impacted the fashion industry.

Purpose: This study explores the intertwined networks of adaptable clothing, inclusive design, and the fashion industry concerning persons with disabilities and their empowerment process. 

Methods: Various case studies & examples have been reviewed for the solution in the investigation of adaptive clothing and inclusive design practices. Examples like Adaptable Design’s global influence are projected in Tommy Hilfiger’s future-oriented project or Bezgraniz Couture. The collaborative initiative led by the Design of Dreams Foundation illustrates one such example where adaptive design proponents and mainstream firms can cooperate to create a culture of tolerance. Technical improvements in adaptive clothing for the fashion industry are addressed in detail according to its challenges and prospects. 

Results: In a nutshell, it is argued that the fashion industry should be at the forefront of advocating for diversity and embracing the changes as just but normal. 

Conclusions: Thus, the conclusion focuses on a call to action to point out the mutual contributions of designers and clients in pushing for innovation in fashion design. The significance of understanding them and talking about them openly is highlighted. Technology advancements are considered essential components of adaptive clothing, and it is time for the government to provide additional funding for research and development in this section. In this era, the abstract visualizes and idealizes a better tomorrow where the fashion industry becomes a powerful tool that alters perceptions and expands social space. Designers, manufacturers, and consumers work together in fashion to create a platform that gives voices to people of any kind.

Keywords: Adapted clothing, Adaptive design, Disability, Fashion Industry, ethnographic objects


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Research Articles


How to Cite

Lali Priya. (2024). A Comprehensive Review of Adaptive Clothing Practices and Innovations in Inclusive Design. Green Lifestyle and International Market, 1(01), 41-54. https://glim.vyomhansjournals.com/index.php/fashion/article/view/9